zigmOnd Kozicki and Stephanie BaiyAsi
Click here to view video "Drought and Deluge" from 2023 GLEF.
Documentary Filmmakers
Ziggy Kozicki had his first experience creating a video while a student at Central Michigan University. Dr. Ziggy Kozicki, a psychologist and population health expert, is still involved in engaging people in video to improve their lives and the environment we share. His collaboration with Dr. Stephanie Baiyasi includes over thirty video productions on a variety of subjects.
Stephanie Baiyasi is a veterinarian and public health professional. She has embraced One Health, ecology, and climate change as important topics for community education. Video production is one way to educate the public.
Documentary Filmmakers
Ziggy Kozicki had his first experience creating a video while a student at Central Michigan University. Dr. Ziggy Kozicki, a psychologist and population health expert, is still involved in engaging people in video to improve their lives and the environment we share. His collaboration with Dr. Stephanie Baiyasi includes over thirty video productions on a variety of subjects.
Stephanie Baiyasi is a veterinarian and public health professional. She has embraced One Health, ecology, and climate change as important topics for community education. Video production is one way to educate the public.